These poems from my collection Fractures were translated into Japanese by scholar and poet Yoshimura Ikuyo. I was lucky enough to have lunch with her, Alan Spence, and his wife Janani in Gifu. I gave her a copy of Fractures and she picked these four poems to translate, sending me a copy of the magazine when it came out. This is the first and only time I’ve been translated into Japanese, so I will always be thankful to Yosihmura-sensei.
full moon on black water I think of her 闇の水面に 満月 ふと彼女が心に浮かぶ
clack bamboo on rock at Kyorai's hut カタッ 岩にかかる竹 去来の庵
the whisper of neighbours I get by, I get by 隣人のささやき どうぞ どうぞ
autumn memories crisp underfoot 秋 足元で 思い出が音をたてる